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Renters Insurance Simplified

Even if you live in an apartment, you want insurance coverage. When you start shopping for renters insurance, you’ll want to be sure that you’re going to be covered for fire, theft and other risks. You’ll want to make an accurate estimate of how much coverage you’ll need.

Document with photos or video

The best way to make your assessment is to take photos or a video of all of your personal property. Then you’ll want to make an itemized list of everything that you’ve captured on with photos or video, and make copies of any receipts you might have for your purchases. You’ll then want to store all of your documentation in a safe place like a safe deposit box.

Don’t just insure for actual cash value

When you get your renters insurance, you want an upgraded form that pays replacement cost of items and not just actual cash value. Don’t be afraid of going window shopping either. By doing that, you’ll know approximately how much replacement items are going to cost. That way, you’ll be able to buy everything new again.


Don’t forget your clothes. You probably have thousands of dollars worth of clothes. Include photos of each item of clothing in your photo or video documentation.

Costly items
For any special items like artwork, jewelry, musical instruments or the like, you’ll want special endorsements for special coverage. Most renters policies have a coverage limit on what they’ll pay on those items.

Make sure that everything you own in a rental unit is adequately insured. Your landlord’s insurance isn’t going to cover your personal property. Getting a quote is simple – act now!