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If your business is sued on a covered risk, your business insurance will retain a law firm to represent your company and pay any settlement or judgment up to the amount of your policy limits.

Business insurance is also known as commercial insurance. It can protect your business from claims involving bodily injury, theft, property damage, discrimination, harassment along with other risks. It can even cover employee injuries or interruption of your business.

If a business owner ignores the availability of insurance coverage, all of the assets of the company can be placed in jeopardy as a result of a judgment entered by a court. Even the owner’s personal assets might be garnished to satisfy a judgment.

With business insurance, you don’t have to pay for coverage that you don’t need either. Coverage that you don’t have now can be added as your business grows. You can evaluate your own business insurance coverage needs, or if you don’t feel that you’ve thought it all out, just contact us, and we’ll get you turned in the right direction.

Unlike other types of insurance, business insurance doesn’t have fixed premium rates. It’s all negotiable. Our agents want you to keep coming back, so they work to get you the best premium and coverage possible. Part of the premium decision is based on the insurance package they present and how they present it, so they take particular care in what they submit to the insurance company. We’ve been doing that for 26 years now, and if a claim does arise, we’ll advocate on your behalf.

Coverage is available for just about every type of risk you think of in your business. Whether you want to call it business insurance or commercial insurance, keep your business protected while it grows. We can custom fit your coverage to the goods or services that you provide. Even if you’re solely an internet business, we can arrange coverage for you. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.